*planet 10 open friday_gezigen cuma_planetenfreitag: 13.3. 2015,
18:00, Film um 20:00, Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Wien, U1 Reumannplatz, barrierefrei*
American Revolutionary: The evolution of Grace Lee Boggs
(USA 2013, Director: Grace Lee, 82 min, auf englisch, leider ohne untertitel // in english, unfortunately without subtitels)
“What does it mean to be an American revolutionary today? Grace Lee Boggs is a 98-year-old Chinese American woman in Detroit whose vision of revolution will surprise you. A writer, activist, and philosopher rooted for more than 70 years in the African American movement, she has devoted her life to an evolving revolution that encompasses the contradictions of America’s past and its potentially radical future.”
“Grace Lee Boggs is an activist and philosopher in Detroit who has dedicated her life to the next American Revolution and the possibility of a better, more just future for all of humanity. At age 97, she has been building movements and developing strategies for social change for most of her life — reminding us that revolution is not only possible and necessary, but a process that must always be in motion.”
Für die 98-jährige Chinese-American Aktivistin Grace Lee Boggs heißt Revolution die Fähigkeit, sich selbst zu verändern und zu bewegen, um die Welt zu verändern und zu bewegen.
next gezigen cuma_nächster planetenfreitag:
*offener planet 10 freitag: jeden 2. und 4. freitag im monat ab 18.00 // open planet friday: every 2nd and 4th friday of the month from 6pm*
ein raum zum unkompliziert vorbeischauen, filme ansehen, aktivismen diskutieren, über antirassismus und queer-feminismus nachdenken, einander begegnen bei caj, kaffee oder bier oder einfach rumhängen im planet(enhof)
a space to just come by, watch films, dicuss activisms, think about antiracism and queer-feminism, meet each other over a caj, coffee or beer or just hang out in planet(yard)
bir mekan film izlemek, aktivizmi tartışmak, ırkçılık karşıtlıgı ve queer feminizm üzerine düşünmek, birlikte çay, kahve içmek ya da sadece gezegende takılmak için