Mehr als ein Dach ĂŒber dem Kopf Podcast: Globale Dialoge â Women on Air
Eray und Louis haben anschlieĂend an den Beitrag in der Zeitschrift FrauensoldaritĂ€t ein Radiointerview gegeben. Auf Orange 94.0 in der Sendereihe Globale Dialoge geben wir Antwort auf Fragen wie: Was Umverteilung fĂŒr uns bedeitet. Wieso wir aufbauen bzw. mehr Platz zur Wohnen schaffen wollen. Wie es möglich ist uns finanziell zu unterstĂŒtzen.
Im GesprÀch: Louis Hofbauer und Eray Aslan (Planet 10) Sendungsgestaltung: Bernadette Schönangerer und Andreea Zelinka (frauensolidaritÀt)
More than a roof over your head Podcast: Global Dialogues – Women on Air
Eray and Louis gave a radio interview following the article in the magazine FrauensoldaritÀt. On Orange 94.0 in the Global Dialogues series, we answer questions such as: What redistribution means for us. Why we want to build or create more space for housing. How it is possible to support us financially.
In conversation: Louis Hofbauer and Eray Aslan (Planet 10) Program design: Bernadette Schönangerer and Andreea Zelinka (frauensolidaritÀt)
Juliet, Eray und Louis haben der Zeitschrift FrauensolidaritĂ€t ein Interview gegeben. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei dieser Ausgabe der Zeitschrift bei dem Thema Wohnen. Vielen Dank an Bernadette Schönangerer fĂŒr die schöne Umsetzung unserer Antworten.
Juliet, Eray and Louis gave an interview to the magazine FrauensolidaritÀt. The focus of this issue of the magazine is on housing. Many thanks to Bernadette Schönangerer for the beautiful realization of our answers.
Wir haben unseren Flyer mit Basis Informationen ins Englische ĂŒbersetzt.
Darin finden sich alle Infos zu den Aufbau-PlĂ€nen, dem aufruf fĂŒr Direktkredite und Spenden sowie Infos zum Wandbild der KĂŒnstler:innen Amoako Boafo und Ani Ganzala.
Juchu wir freuen uns sehr / Yippee we are very happy
Wir haben schon einige Direktkredit – Angebote bekommen. Die VertrĂ€ge sind in Arbeit. // We have already received some direct loan – offers. The contracts are in process.
Wir brauchen noch viele Direktkredite // We still need a lot of direct loans.
Jede Höhe ist sehr willkommen // Any amount is very welcome.
1000 Spendenflyer
Deshalb drucken wir unseren Spendenflyer neu, mit nur geringen Ănderungen.
Die AktivitĂ€ten rund um den geplanten Aufbau sind im Gange. Jedoch wird es wohl noch dauern bis die PlĂ€ne umgesetzt werden können. DafĂŒr suchen wir noch Spenden & Direktkredite.
Inzwischen ist wieder einmal Zeit fĂŒr einen Bau-Renovier-Putztag im Planet 10. Wir freuen uns ĂŒber alle die teilnehmen mit uns werken, putzen oder sonst etwas tun. Wie immer wird fĂŒr Speis und Trank gesorgt sein und auch (nur) dazu seid Ihr herzlich eingeladen.
//EN Plans for the reconstruction and building of new living space in the plaet house are in the making. Therefor we need your donations & direct loans. Unfortunately it will be maybe another year and a half until we can start.
Meanwhile is is time for a day filled with rebuilding, renovating and cleaning the house. Everybody is welcome to join, not only for working but also for having breakfast or lunch breaks with us or getting to know the house. There will be food & drinks
Sonntag, 10 September 2023 Ab 11.00
Im Planet 10 in der Pernerstorfergasse 12 im 10. Bezirk
Planet 10 von vorne / Planet House front viewPlanet 10 von innen / Planet House inner view
Planet 10 is a cultural association and participatory house project in Vienna. Purchased in 2009 with the help of direct loans and donations, Planet 10 now offers general use club rooms as well as living space for 4 adults and 3 children in 4 apartments.
But more access to affordable housing for all in anti-discriminatory structures is needed.
Together with GABU Heindl Architecture, we plan to build up to 6 upper floors to create more housing for those who need it most.
Planet 10 is a former carter’s house. There are currently 4 apartments in it. On the first floor there are function rooms and in the basement there is a small stage for events.
Planet 10 Wien, Aussenansicht, zwischen 2 mehrstöckigen Gemeindebauten
Since 2009
Planet 10 bought the house with the help of direct loans and donations in 2009 for ⏠400,000.
It is a small one-story building surrounded by multi-story municipal buildings, centrally located in Vienna’s 10th district between the main train station, Viktor-Adler-Markt, the newly developed Sonnwendviertel urban development area and the lively pedestrian zone between the Reumann- and Keplerplatz subway stations, which is used by a wide variety of population groups.
The house was purchased ready for occupancy, renovated by residents and association members, and expanded to include ramps and a barrier-free WC.
For whom?
The apartments are available to people who are exposed to massive discrimination on the Viennese housing market and who, being new in Vienna and disadvantaged by structural racism, find it difficult to gain a foothold.
The house is very well established in different communities, multilingual, intersectional, participatory and barrier-free.
Planet 10’s non-profit activities are known Vienna-wide and beyond, among refugee support contexts, queer-migrant support structures or queer-feminist collectives.
Group Afrorainbow Austria has a home at Planet 10 House
Currently 9 languages are spoken in the house. By the residents as well as the activists, who together organize the house, events, maintenance, etc. on a voluntary basis.
Very soon it became clear that 4 apartments could only be a beginning. The idea to expand the house was there from the beginning, because this option was already a great desire at the time of purchase and was clarified architecturally.
2022, it begins with a large donation
This project now seems tangible, as the association has received a large donation in 2022, which is the starting signal for new plans.
Construction of 5 additional floors
In 2023, a construction of 5 more floors plus attic (event and meeting space) on the existing basement, first floor and 1st floor will be started.
The architectural office Gabu Heindl, specialized in realizations of public cultural and social buildings, urban planning studies as well as research on planning policy and public space, and known for its collaboration with participatory structures, is entrusted with the planning.
For this, it needs your support. Help make affordable housing possible for refugees in an anti-discriminatory, self-managed project house. With your donations and direct loans*, together we can make this plan a reality
Planet 10 was supported by MietshÀusersyndikat Deutschland in its foundation, and last but not least the interest-free (low interest) direct loans of many individuals made the project possible in the first place.
What is a direct loan?
A directly lent amount without the detour via a bank at individually agreed conditions (amount, term, interest). For more on the practice of direct loans and the neutralization of property (the removal of real estate from the market and thus from speculation), see the Austrian habiTAT or the MietshÀusersyndikat Germany.
The house, which is owned by the non-profit cultural association Planet 10, is to be transferred to the MietshÀusersyndikat-like Austrian habiTAT in the near future in order to permanently remove the house from the market.
This means to guarantee a self-determined form of living also for destitute persons, to prevent housing speculation and to neutralize ownership.
In 2016, a special mural was created at Planet 10.
Wandbild / Amoako Boafo, Ani Ganzala, Gesamtansicht
The artists Amoako Boafo and Ani Ganzala designed an entire wall in the event area of the house.
This mural will not be destroyed in the existing structure and Planet 10 offers the opportunity to purchase this work of art.
Wandbild / Amoako Boafo, Ani Ganzala, Detail Signatur
The painting was created during Amoako Boafo’s student days in Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts. Due to the stunning international success of the Ghanaian artist, the picture is now of immense value.
Both artists support the project and the expansion with this extraordinary work of art, which was created especially for Planet 10, by waiving a fee or the purchase price in favor of Planet 10.
We are happy about every donation
No matter how much. Support us in creating affordable housing for refugees in an anti-discriminatory, self-managed project house.
Or/and support us with a direct loan in the amount of your choice. With us you know exactly what we use your money for, which you do not need at the moment and with which we can build.
Park your money safely with us as a direct loan
Your money is safely parked with us, because we are able to repay all direct loans on the agreed repayment date, due to always new direct loans, some very long terms of direct loans, as well as donations and significantly more rental income after construction. We already used this practice when we bought the land and house in 2009, here the last direct loans are about to expire or have been repaid.
Term & Interest
After the term you have decided, your money will be paid back to you. For this we can also offer interest depending on the agreement and term.
After a contractually agreed period of time (e.g. after 2 or 5 years) you can get your loan back early in case of sudden personal need (after an agreed period of e.g. 3 months depending on the loan amount).
Should Planet 10 become insolvent during or after the construction period, the direct loans of the Housing Fund of the City of Vienna and any loans taken out with the bank must legally be repaid first. Only then will the private direct lenders follow. However, the association Planet 10 owns the property and the stock and thus a high real value, which guarantees security.