deutsche version
was: Queer Geeks â Treffen: plaudern,arbeiten, austauschen, spielen
wann: Mi 04.02.2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ab 17 Uhr
wo: Planet 10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Wien
ââââââââââââââââââââââ-english version
what: QueerGeeks â MeetUp: chatting, working, connecting, playing
when: Wed. 04.02.2015Â Â Â Â Â Â Â starting 5 pm
where: Planet 10Â Â Â Â Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Wienââââââââââââââââââââââ-
QueerGeeks â toplante, OYNAMAK
04.02.2015 â saat 17.00`den itibaren
Planet 10 â Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Wien
Self-Defence Workshop in February | Savunma Workshop 02/2015
see English version below
Ćiddet, çoÄu zaman dĂŒĆĂŒndĂŒÄĂŒmĂŒzĂŒn aksine, gĂŒnlĂŒk yaĆamın her anında ve
her alanında karĆımıza çıkabiliyor. Hatta içinde yaĆadıÄımız dĂŒzen eliyle
sĂŒrekli olarak sistematik bir Ćiddet altındayız diyebiliriz. Bu Ćiddet
farklı biçimler ile kendini gösteriyor. Kimi zaman iĆyerinde Ćefimiz ile
aramızda, kimi zaman evde parterimiz ile aramızda, kimi zaman akademi
içerisinde, kimi zaman dostlarımızla kurduÄumuz iliĆkide, ve hatta
adımladıÄımız sokakların/mekanların fiziki yapısında ya da daha önce yĂŒzĂŒnĂŒ
bile görmediÄimiz birinin sıkılı yumruÄundaâŠ
Planet 10 olarak bizler, dĂŒzenin uyguladıÄı bu sistematik Ćiddet
karĆısında pasif kalmayı reddediyor ve kendimizi mĂŒmkĂŒn olan tĂŒm araçlarla
korumayı seçiyoruz!
Bu doÄrultuda Ćubat ayında bir âSavunma Workshopâ
dĂŒzenliyoruz. Her yaĆtan ve cinsiyetten herkesi bekliyoruz!
 Sen de katıl!
1. BölĂŒm: 01.02.2015 (Pazar), 13:00 â 16:00
2. BölĂŒm: 07.02.2015 (Cumartesi), 13:00 â 16:00
3. BölĂŒm: 15.02.2015 (Pazar), 13:00 â 16:00
4. BölĂŒm: 22.02.2015 (Pazar), 13:00 â 16:00
Katılımcıların yanlarında spor kıyafetleri getirmeleri gereklidir. Ăıplak
ayak ya da çorap ile çalıĆılacaÄı için ayakkabıya gerek yoktur.
Katılımcılar bĂŒtĂŒn bölĂŒmlere gelmek mecburiyetinde deÄillerdir.
Ä°steyenlerin baÄÄ±Ć yapabileceÄi kutular mevcuttur. Bunun dıĆında kesinlikle
bir ĂŒcret yoktur.
On the contrary of what we often think, violence is something that we can
face all the time and everywhere in our daily lives. We can even say that
we are always under a systematic violence, which is inflicted on us by the
system that we are living in. This violence shows itself in different
forms. Sometimes at our workplace between us and our boss, sometimes at
home with our partner, sometimes within the academy, sometimes in the
relationships that we have with our friends, and even in the physical
structure of the streets/places that we walk on or in the fists of someone
who we never had seen beforeâŠ
We, as PLANET 10, refuse to stay passive against this systematical violence
of the system and choose to defend ourselves with any means possible!
Therefore, we are organizing a âSelf-Defence Workshopâ in February.
Everybody from all age and genders is welcome!
Come and join us!
1. Part: 01.02.2015 (Sunday), 13:00 â 16:00
2. Part: 07.02.2015 (Saturday) 13:00 â 16:00
3. Part: 15.02.2015 (Sunday) 13:00 â 16:00
4. Part: 22.02.2015 (Sunday) 13:00 â 16:00
We ask the participants to bring casual clothes. No shoes will be
necessary, for we will be training with socks or bare feet. Participants do
not have to attend all the parts. There will be a Donation box available
for those who wants to donate. Other than that, there is absolutely no
Gezigen Cuma – Planet Friday – offener Freitag #11 – Film: Half of a yellow sun
Freitag, 9.1., 18.00 / 6pm
Film: Half of a yellow sun (2013)
19.00 / 7 pm
Based on the novel by Chimanada Ngozi Adichie.
Sisters Olanna and Kainene return home to 1960s Nigeria, where they soon
diverge on different paths. As civil war breaks out, political events
loom larger than their differences as they join the fight to establish
an independent republic.
next gezigen cuma:
23 / 1
13 / 2
jeden 2. und 4. freitag im monat ab 18.00 // every 2nd and 4th friday of the month from 6pm// ayın her 2. ve 4. cumasında saat 18.00`den itibaren,
ein raum zum unkompliziert vorbeischauen, filme ansehen, aktivismen diskutieren, ĂŒber antirassismus und queer-feminismus nachdenken, einander begegnen bei cay, kaffee oder bier oder einfach rumhĂ€ngen im planet(enhof)
// a space to just come by, watch films, dicuss activisms, think about antiracism and queer-feminism, meet each other over a caj, coffee or beer or just hang out in planet(yard)
// bir mekan film izlemek, aktivizmi tartıĆmak, ırkçılık karĆıtlıgı ve queer feminizm ĂŒzerine dĂŒĆĂŒnmek, birlikte çay, kahve içmek ya da sadece gezegende takılmak için
offene tuer – open doors 26.12. 18.00
Umverteilung_UnterstĂŒtzung_Spenden Welcome
Thank You
TeĆekkĂŒr ederiz
IBAN: AT482011129313011300
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INVITE 2 quwir karaoke – 20.12.2014 @ planet10
2 a popopo karaoke nite !!!
quwir singen no x-mas carols, but im LGBTIQ*style KARAOKE stattdessen,
vermutlich mit punsch oder glĂŒhwein und vermutlich gibt’s was zu essen,
bring your songs auf stick (no w-lan im keller) mit,
anything, das du mit andren singen magst, will spendenbox wird an der kĂŒchenbar stehn,
deren innereien gehen an planet10;
denn dort singen wir auch im keller,
die adresse findest du im internet oder unten eben schneller,WAS: karaokweer nite LGBTIQ* style
WANN: Samstag, 20.12.2014, ab 20.00 until open end
ADRESSE: planet10, pernerstorfergasse 12, U1 reumannplatz, exit quellenstraĂePS:
plz PSSST im hof und erdgeschoss und auf der straĂe vor dem planeten;
plz keep the doors closed, wir möchten niemandes nachtruhe stören;
leider ist der keller alles andere als barrierefrei (hohe treppe), im erdgeschoss ist’s fĂŒr karaoke aber zu laut.
tear_tastique- SOLI – 21.12 ab 16.00 uhr @ planet 10
tear_tastique – join the mess und wein! 21.12 ab 16.00 uhr @ planet 10. nachmittags soli-event mit trĂ€nendrĂŒsenmusik von den djs shy und cry, einem kuchenkino spezial, viel likörchen und selbstgemachtem veganen kuchen als trösterchen. der erlös geht an die festivalorganisation. come come!tear_tastique- join the mess and cry. 21.12 @ planet 10, 4pm. fundraiser in the afternoon with music to cry for from dj_s cry and shy, kuchenkino special, lots of liqueur and home made vegan cake. lots of comfort. proceeds will benefit the festival. come come!
queer feministisches festival fĂŒr antirassismus, sexpositivity, körperpositivity und das ĂŒberwinden ableistischer normzustĂ€nde
05. bis 08. MĂ€rz 2015 in verschiedenen locations in wien_tastique
queer feminist festival for antiracism, sex positivity, body positivity and for overcoming ableist norms
march 5th till 8th in various locations in vienna