Poetische ErzÀhlungen: Workshop mit Njideka Iroh
am Samstag 18. Februar
von 12:00 – 16:00
Poetic Narratives
Decolonial Storytelling as a (political) tool of self-definition and (de)liberation.
Poetische ErzÀhlungen
Dekoloniales ErzÀhlen als (politischer) Akt der Selbstdefinition und Aneignung/Befreiung
Teil dich mit, schreiben, sprechen, erzĂ€hlen… keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.
Express yourself, writing, speaking, telling storys… no experiences needed.
planet 10, pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 wien, barrierefrei/barrierfree
- ab 11:00 gibts frĂŒhstĂŒck_breakfast starting at 11am
- food or other donation welcome_essens- und andere spenden willkommen
more info zum Workshop: Ein paar Punkte als BeispielâŠ
What is a political tool?
Naming our different realities
How do I want to express myself?
Why do I write?
What does decolonial mean?
What moves me?
What do I want to say?
How do I want to say it?
Storytelling: Express yourself! Tell your story and let it out (if you want to)
Where do we go from here?
Notions of Utopia and Afrofuturism: Imagination and the Beyond. What do we want to create? What do we want to experience and see? How can we be free?
Anmeldung unter: planet10wien@gmail.com oder einfach kommen und teilnehmen!
Send us your registration to: planet10wien@gmail.com or come and join!