Gezigen Cuma – Planet Friday – offener Freitag #11 – Film: Half of a yellow sun

Freitag, 9.1., 18.00 / 6pm

Film: Half of a yellow sun (2013)

19.00 / 7 pm

Based on the novel by Chimanada Ngozi Adichie.
Sisters Olanna and Kainene return home to 1960s Nigeria, where they soon
diverge on different paths. As civil war breaks out, political events
loom larger than their differences as they join the fight to establish
an independent republic.



next gezigen cuma:
23 / 1
13 / 2

jeden 2. und 4. freitag im monat ab 18.00 // every 2nd and 4th friday of the month from 6pm// ayın her 2. ve 4. cumasında saat 18.00`den itibaren,

ein raum zum unkompliziert vorbeischauen, filme ansehen, aktivismen diskutieren, ĂŒber antirassismus und queer-feminismus nachdenken, einander begegnen bei cay, kaffee oder bier oder einfach rumhĂ€ngen im planet(enhof)
// a space to just come by, watch films, dicuss activisms, think about antiracism and queer-feminism, meet each other over a caj, coffee or beer or just hang out in planet(yard)
// bir mekan film izlemek, aktivizmi tartÄ±ĆŸmak, ırkçılık karĆŸÄ±tlıgı ve queer feminizm ĂŒzerine dĂŒĆŸĂŒnmek, birlikte çay, kahve içmek ya da sadece gezegende takılmak için