Wer? Wo? Was? zum geplaneten Planetumbau

// see english version below

Hier gibt es eine Zusammenfassung, was Planet 10 ist und der PlĂ€ne fĂŒr den Umbau.
Wir planen den Umbau seit 2023 und 2025 soll der Umbau beginnen.

Hier sind die wichtigsten Fakten


Planet 10 ist ein Kulturverein und ein partizipatives Hausprojekt in Wien. 2009 mit Hilfe von Direktkrediten gekauft, bietet Planet 10 heute Wohnraum fĂŒr 4 Erwachsene und 4 Kinder und offene VereinsrĂ€ume fĂŒr Treffen und öffentliche Veranstaltungen.


Planet 10 ist ein kleiner einstöckiger Bau umgeben von mehrstöckigen Gemeindebauten, zentral gelegen im 10. Wiener Gemeindebezirk zwischen Hauptbahnhof, Viktor-Adler-Markt, Sonnwendviertel und der lebendigen FußgĂ€ngerzone zwischen Reumann- und Keplerplatz.

Wer wohnt im Planet10?

Aus der aktivistisch tĂ€tigen Planetengruppe wohnt jetzt und wird in Zukunft niemand selbst in dem Haus wohnen. Das Planet10 Haus ist fĂŒr jene Personen gedacht, die in Wien ankommen werden, geflĂŒchtet, ausgewandert, gelandet in Wien, und hier einen Ort finden sollen, an dem sie, als Teil des selbst organisierten queer feministisch intersektionalen Hauses, ankommen und Fuß fassen können abseits des rassistischen, ableistischen und schlicht ungerechten Wohnungsmarkts in Wien/Österreich.


Gemeinsam mit GABU Heindl Architektur planen wir ab 2025 so viele Obergeschosse wie möglich aufzubauen und so mehr Wohnraum zu schaffen fĂŒr die, die ihn am nötigsten brauchen.
Mit einigen Spenden ging es los.


Es braucht mehr leistbares Wohnen fĂŒr jene Personen, die in Wien ankommen, geflĂŒchtet, ausgewandert, gelandet in Wien, und hier einen Ort finden sollen, an dem sie, als Teil eines selbst organisierten queer feministisch intersektionalen Hauses Fuß fassen können abseits des rassistischen, ableistischen und schlicht ungerechten Wohnungsmarkts in Wien/Österreich.


Helfen Sie mit, geflĂŒchteten Menschen leistbaren Wohnraum in einem diskriminierungsfreien, bestĂ€rkenden, selbstverwalteten Wohnprojekt zu ermöglichen. Mit Spenden und Direktkrediten können wir gemeinsam den Auf- und Umbau in die Tat umsetzen. UnterstĂŒtzen Sie den Umbau von Planet 10 mit Spenden/ Direktkrediten.


Baubeginn ist fĂŒr Herbst 2025 geplant und wird ca. ein bis anderthalb Jahre dauern, bis das Haus bezugsfertig ist.

Planet10 hoch 8

Das zukĂŒnftige Haus wird als Teil von habiTAT, dem österreichischen MietshĂ€usersyndikat, weiterhin jeder Spekulation entzogen und maximal erweitert fĂŒr solidarische Nutzung: Aus zwei Geschoßen werden acht, mit einer Vervielfachung des Wohnraums, dazu mehr VereinsrĂ€ume fĂŒr Freundschaft, UnterstĂŒtzung und Austausch.

// english

“Who? Where? What? on he planned reconstruction

Here is a summary of what Planet 10 is and the plans for the conversion of the house.
We have been planning the conversion since 2023 and the conversion is scheduled to start in 2025.

Here are the most important facts

Who are we?

Planet 10 is a cultural association and a participatory house project in Vienna. Purchased in 2009 with the help of direct loans, Planet 10 now offers living space for 4 adults and 4 children and open club rooms for meetings and public events.


Planet 10 is a small single-storey building surrounded by multi-storey municipal buildings, centrally located in Vienna’s 10th district between the main railway station, Viktor-Adler-Markt, Sonnwendviertel and the lively pedestrian zone between Reumannplatz and Keplerplatz.

Who lives in Planet10?

No one from the activist Planet group lives in the house now or will live there in the future. The Planet10 house is intended for those people who will arrive in Vienna, who have fled, emigrated, landed in Vienna, and who should find a place here where they, as part of the self-organized queer feminist intersectional house, can arrive and gain a foothold away from the racist, ableist and simply unjust housing market in Vienna/Austria.

What is it?

Together with GABU Heindl Architektur, we plan to build as many upper floors as possible from 2025 onwards and thus create more living space for those who need it most. It all started with a few donations. NOW WE ARE LOOKING FOR MORE SUPPORTERS!

Why and for whom?

More affordable housing is needed for those people who arrive in Vienna, who have fled, emigrated, landed in Vienna, and who should find a place here where they can gain a foothold as part of a self-organized queer feminist intersectional house away from the racist, ableist and simply unjust housing market in Vienna/Austria.

How can you help?

Help to provide refugees with affordable housing in a non-discriminatory, empowering, self-managed housing project. With donations and direct loans, together we can make the construction and conversion a reality. Support the conversion of Planet 10 with donations/direct loans.


Construction is scheduled to start in fall 2025 and will take about one to one and a half years until the house is ready for occupancy.

Planet10 to the power of 8

As part of habiTAT, the Austrian tenement syndicate, the future building will continue to be protected from speculation and expanded to the maximum for solidarity-based use: two floors will become eight, with a multiplication of living space, plus more club rooms for friendship, support and exchange.

Update No. 03-2023 Aufbau Planet 10

Finally in english

Wir haben unseren Flyer mit Basis Informationen ins Englische ĂŒbersetzt.

Darin finden sich alle Infos zu den Aufbau-PlĂ€nen, dem aufruf fĂŒr Direktkredite und Spenden sowie Infos zum Wandbild der KĂŒnstler:innen Amoako Boafo und Ani Ganzala.

The flyer with information on the conversion, donations and direct loans is now finally available in English

Donations and direct loans to Planet 10


We are happy about every donation

No matter how much.
Support us in creating affordable housing for refugees in an anti-discriminatory, self-managed project house.

Contact us: info @ planet10wien.at

Account details:

Planet 10 Kulturverein
IBAN: AT482011129313011300

Direct Loans

What is a direct loan?

A directly lent amount without the detour via a bank at individually agreed conditions (amount, term, interest). For more on the practice of direct loans and the neutralization of property (the removal of real estate from the market and thus from speculation), see the Austrian habiTAT or the MietshÀusersyndikat Germany.

The house, which is owned by the non-profit cultural association Planet 10, is to be transferred to the MietshÀusersyndikat-like Austrian habiTAT in the near future in order to permanently remove the house from the market.

This means to guarantee a self-determined form of living also for destitute persons, to prevent housing speculation and to neutralize ownership.

Direct loans for a term of 1 to 30 years

Or/and support us with a direct loan in the amount of your choice. With us you know exactly what we use your money for, which you do not need at the moment and with which we can build.

Park your money safely with us as a direct loan

Your money is safely parked with us, because we are able to repay all direct loans on the agreed repayment date, due to always new direct loans, some very long terms of direct loans, as well as donations and significantly more rental income after construction. We already used this practice when we bought the land and house in 2009, here the last direct loans are about to expire or have been repaid.

Term & Interest

After the term you have decided, your money will be paid back to you. For this we can also offer interest depending on the agreement and term.


After a contractually agreed period of time (e.g. after 2 or 5 years) you can get your loan back early in case of sudden personal need (after an agreed period of e.g. 3 months depending on the loan amount).


Should Planet 10 become insolvent during or after the construction period, the direct loans of the Housing Fund of the City of Vienna and any loans taken out with the bank must legally be repaid first. Only then will the private direct lenders follow. However, the association Planet 10 owns the property and the stock and thus a high real value, which guarantees security.

Contact us: info @ planet10wien.at